SSC MTS 2023 Exam Notification Out, Exam Date, Online Form : SSC MTS Notification 2023 has been released on 30th June 2023 on for 1558 vacancies and SSC MTS 2023 application starts from 30th June 2023. Candidate can download SSC MTS Notification PDF
SSC MTS Notification 2023 Out
SSC MTS Notification 2023 Out: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released the SSC MTS Notification 2023 on the official on 30th June 2023. Candidates can apply for the SSC MTS 2023 from 30th June 2023 to 21st July 2023. Approx 1558 vacancies have been released for the MTS and Havaldar in CBIC and CBN. The direct link to download the SSC MTS Notification 2023 and the SSC MTS 2023 Online Apply Link is shared in the article below.
SSC MTS Exam 2023
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is conducting the SSC MTS Exam 2023 for selecting candidates for General Central Service Group-C non-gazetted, non-ministerial positions within various ministries, departments, and government offices of India. Successful candidates shortlisted for the SSC Multi-Tasking Staff Posts will receive a salary at Pay Level-1, as per the Pay Matrix of the 7th Pay Commission, with a basic pay ranging from Rs. 5,200 to Rs. 20,200, along with a Grade Pay of Rs. 1,800. Check the details of the SSC MTS Exam 2023 below.
SSC MTS 2023 Overview
The overview table below shows all the important points regarding SSC MTS 2023. Check the table for a detailed synopsis of the SSC MTS Notification 2023
Job Summary SSC MTS Notification 2023
Exam Name: SSC MTS Examination 2023
Conducting Body: Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam Level: National Level
Vacancies: 1500+
Category: Govt Jobs
Exam Frequency: Once a year
Exam Mode: Paper-I: Online Session I Session II
SSC MTS Exam Duration: Paper I Session I – 45 minutes Session II – 45 minutes
Official Website”;
SSC MTS 2023 Notification PDF
The official notification for the SSC MTS 2023 is published on 30th June 2023 on the official website @ssc.nic. Candidates should go through the detailed advertisement of SSC MTS 2023 from the below link for a better understanding of the eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus, and other details of the SSC MTS Exam 2023. The latest SSC MTS 2023 Notification PDF is provided here.
SSC MTS 2023 Exam Dates
SSC has released the SSC Calendar 2023 for the exams conducted by the SSC. The SSC MTS Notification 2023 is published on 30th June 2023. The SSC MTS Exam 2023 is scheduled for September 2023 as per the notification. The important dates regarding SSC MTS 2023 are given below
Education Qualification
The eligibility criteria for SSC MTS 2023 include Nationality, Education Qualification, and Age Limit. The candidates can check the detailed eligibility criteria from here along with the age relaxation for various categories.
Age Limit (as on 01/01/2023)
- 18-25 years i.e. the candidates apply for SSC MTS born before 02/01/1999 but not later than 01/01/2006.
- 18-27 years i.e. the candidates apply for SSC MTS born before 02/01/1997 but not later than 01/01/2006.
Havaldar Age Limit (as on 01/01/2023)
- Candidates applying for the SSC MTS Havaldar posts in CBIC and CBN must be at least 18 years of age and not exceed 27 years of age i.e. born before 02/01/1997 but not later than 01/01/2006.
- Apart from the mentioned Age Requirement, candidates belonging to reserved categories are given age relaxation as per Government Rules.
Category Age Relaxation
- SC/ST: 5 years
- OBC: 3 years
- PwD (Unreserved): 10 years
- PwD (OBC): 13 years
- PwD (SC/ST): 15 years
- Ex-Servicemen: (ESM) 03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date of receipt of the online application
The SSC MTS & Havaldar Vacancy 2023, which includes positions in CBIC and CBN, will be announced simultaneously with the SSC MTS Notification 2023. To get an idea of the previous recruitment vacancies, candidates can refer to the provided information.
Posts Vacancies
Multi Tasking Staff: 1198
Havaldar: 360
Total Post : 1500+
Salary Pay
The SSC Multi-Tasking Staff is a general central service group ‘C’ non-gazetted, a non-ministerial post that falls under Pay band-1 (Rs.5200 – 20200) + Grade Pay Rs.1800. SSC MTS salary comes to be around Rs.18000- Rs.22000.
Application Fee
- The Application Fee for SSC MTS 2023 exam is Rs. 100/-.
- Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Ex-servicemen/Women category are exempted from paying the application fee.
Language for CBT
The SSC MTS Exam will be held in 15 different languages from this year onwards. Candidates will get the opportunity to select their preferred language while filling out the application form. Check the list of the SSC MTS Languages below.
Selection Process
- Stage 1- Paper-1 (Objective)
- Stage 2- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST) (only for the post of Havaldar)
Exam Pattern
The paper pattern for SSC MTS 2023 saw a change in the previous year’s session of the exam.
- The exam consists of two papers i.e. Paper I & Paper 2.
- Paper 1 is conducted online while Paper 2 is pen and paper-based.
SSC MTS Exam Pattern For Paper I
- SSC MTS Paper I will have four sections.
- There will be a Computer-Based Examination which is divided into 2 Sessions. Session-I and Session-II
- The duration of the SSC MTS Exam will be 90 minutes for General Candidates and 120 minutes for PwD Candidates.
- Paper I is an objective-type paper with four MCQs out of which one will be correct.
- There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Session 2 and there will be no negative marking in Session-1.
Important Link
SSC MTS Notification: Click Here
SSC Website: Click Here
Important Date
- SSC MTS Notification 2023 : 30th June 2023
- SSC MTS Online Registration Process Starts : 30th June 2023
- SSC MTS Online Registration Process Ends : 21st July 2023
- Last Date for Making Online Fee Payment : To be Notified
- Last Date for the Generation of Offline Challan : To be Notified
- Last date for Payment Through Challan : To be Notified
- The window for Application Form Correction –
- SSC MTS Application Status –
- SSC MTS Admit Card (Paper-1) –
- SSC MTS Exam Dates (Paper I) 2023 : 1st to 29th September 2023 (As per SSC Exam Calendar)
The candidates should be well-prepared with the updated exam pattern to qualify for the exam with good marks. Here are the topics to be covered in both Paper-1 Session 1 and 2 for the SSC MTS 2023.
SSC MTS Syllabus For Paper I
SSC MTS Paper 1 will have the following sections:
- General English
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- Numerical Aptitude
- General Awareness
SSC MTS 2023 Language for CBT
01 Hindi
02 English
03 Assamese
04 Bengali
07 Gujarati
08 Kannada
10 Konkani
12 Malayalam
13 Manipuri (also Meitei or Meithei)
14 Marathi
16 Odia (Oriya)
17 Punjabi
21 Tamil
22 Telugu
23 Urdu
SSC MTS Nationality
A candidate is required to be
- A citizen of India
- Subject of Nepal
- Subject of Bhutan
- Tibetan Refugee
Person of Indian Origin migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam
SSC MTS Age Limit (as on 01/08/2023)
MTS has vacancies in two age groups. Check both age groups below:
- 18-25 years i.e. the candidates apply for SSC MTS born before 02/08/1998 but not later than 01/08/2005.
- 18-27 years i.e. the candidates apply for SSC MTS born before 02/08/1996 but not later than 01/08/2005.
SSC MTS Havaldar Age Limit (as on 01/08/2023)
Candidates applying for the SSC MTS Havaldar posts in CBIC and CBN must be at least 18 years of age and not exceed 27 years of age i.e. born before 02/08/1996 but not later than 01/08/2005.
Apart from the mentioned Age Requirement, candidates belonging to reserved categories are given age relaxation as per Government Rules
- SC/ST : 5 years
- OBC : 3 years
- PwD (Unreserved) : 10 years
- PwD (OBC) : 13 years
- PwD (SC/ST) : 15 years
- Ex-Servicemen (ESM) : 03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date of receipt of the online application.
SSC MTS 2023 Syllabus
The candidates should be well-prepared with the updated exam pattern to qualify for the exam with good marks. Here are the topics to be covered in both Paper-1 Session 1 and 2 for the SSC MTS 2023.
SSC MTS Syllabus For Paper I
SSC MTS Paper 1 will have the following sections:
- General English
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- Numerical Aptitude
- General Awareness
General English
- Reading Comprehension
- Fill in the Blanks
- Spellings
- Phrases and Idioms
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- One-word Substitution
- Sentence Correction
- -Classification
- -Analogy
- -Coding-Decoding
- -Matrix
- -Word Formation
- -Venn Diagram
- -Direction/Distance
- -Blood Relation
- -Missing Numbers
- -Non-Verbal Reasoning
- -Verbal Reasonin
Numerical Ability
- -Simplification
- -Interest
- -Percentage
- -Ratio and Proportion
- -Average
- -Problem with Ages
- -Speed, Distance, and Time
- -Profit and Loss
- -Number Series
- -Number System
- -Mensuration
- -Time and Work
- -DI
- -Mixture Problem
- -Algebra
- -Geometry
- -Trigonometry
General Awareness
- -Static GK
- -Science
- -Books and Authors
- -Current Affairs
- -Dates, Portfolios
SSC MTS 2023 Admit Card
Upon successful application for SSC MTS 2023, candidates will gain access to download the SSC MTS Admit Card. The release of the admit card will take place 10 days prior to the exam date. However, it’s important to note that the admit card will be made available region-wise on the respective official regional websites. Candidates can download the SSC MTS Admit Card 2023 using the link shared below.
SSC MTS 2023 Answer Key
Once candidates have completed the SSC MTS 2023 Exam, the Staff Selection Commission will release the answer key. This answer key allows candidates to cross-check their responses and raise objections if necessary. By comparing their answers with the final answer key provided by the SSC, candidates can assess their performance accurately.
SSC MTS 2023 Result
After the release of the SSC MTS Answer Key, the SSC MTS Result will be released. The result is released in PDF Form. The candidates whose roll numbers are on the list will be called for the next round of selection. A Cut-off is released by the Commission. The candidates will have to secure the cut-off set by the Commission. Check the details of the SSC MTS Result 2023 below.
SSC MTS 2023 Cut-Off
The cut-off for SSC MTS 2023 will be announced after the completion of the examination and the declaration of the result. Paper-I will have distinct category-wise and State/ UT-wise cut-offs. The Commission may establish separate cut-offs for different age groups, namely 18 to 25 years and 18 to 27 years. The cut-off will be determined based on factors such as the level of difficulty of the SSC MTS 2023 Exam and the number of candidates appearing for the examination
How to Apply For SSC Recruitment 2023?
Step-1: Eligible and interested Applicants/Candidates shall be required to “Apply Online” only in the format available on the official Website (More Details: Please Read Official Advertisement)
Step-2: Apply Website :
Step-3: Visit the Staff Selection Commission official website “”.
Step-4: Check the full notification.
Step-5: Candidates need to fill in their Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Residential Address, and more.
Step-6: Attach photograph, signature, or other required documents.
Step-7: Pay the application fee.
Step-8: You must take the printout of the submitted online form and fee receipt.
Part-I (One-Time Registration)
1. Read the instructions given in the Notice of Examination carefully before filling up the online ‘Registration Form’ and ‘Application Form’.
2. Before proceeding with One-Time Registration, keep the following information/documents ready:
a. Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP)
b. Email ID (to be verified through OTP).
c. Aadhaar Number. If Aadhaar Number is not available, please give one of the following ID Numbers. (You will be required to show the original document at
a later stage):
i. Voter ID Card
ii. PAN
iii. Passport
iv. Driving License
v. School/ College ID
vi. Employer ID (Govt./ PSU/ Private)
d. Information about the Board, Roll Number and Year of Passing the Matriculation (10 th ) Examination.
e. Disability Certificate Number, if you are a person with benchmark disability.
3. For One-Time Registration, click on ‘Register Now’ link provided in ‘Login’ Section on
4. One-Time Registration process requires filling up of following information:
a. Basic details
b. Additional and contact details
c. Declaration.
5. For filling up the ‘One-Time Registration Form’, please follow the following steps:
a. Few critical details (e.g. Aadhaar Number, name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth etc.) are required to be entered twice, in the relevant columns of the Registration Form to avoid any inadvertent mistakes in filling up of the form. If there is mismatch between the original and verify data columns, it will not be accepted and an indication to this effect will be given in red text.
b. S No-1, provide information about Aadhaar Number/ Identity Card and its Number. Any one of these Numbers is required to be given.
c. S No-2: Fill your name exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate. In case, you have made any changes in your name after matriculation, indicate the same at S No-2c and 2d.
d. S No-3: Fill your father’s name exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate.
e. S No-4: Fill your mother’s name exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate.
f. S No-5: Fill your date of birth exactly as given in Matriculation (10 th Class) Certificate.
g. S No-6: Matriculation (10 th Class) Examination Details which include:
i. Name of Education Board
ii. Roll Number
iii. Year of passing
h. S No-7: Gender
i. S No-8: Level of Educational Qualification (highest).
j. S No-9: Your Mobile Number which must be a working mobile number as it will be verified through ‘One Time Password’ (OTP). It may be noted that any information which the Commission may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this mobile number only. Your mobile number will also be used for retrieval of password, if required.
k. S No-10: Your Email ID which must be a working Email ID as it will be verified through OTP. It may also be noted that any information which the Commission may like to communicate with you, will be sent on this Email ID only. Your Email ID will also be used for retrieval of password/ Registration Number, if required.
l. Provide detail of State/ UT of your Permanent Address. m. When the Basic Details provided at S No-1 to 10 are saved, you will be required to confirm your mobile number and email ID. On confirmation, your data will be saved and your Registration Number will be displayed on the screen. Your Registration Number and Password will be provided to you on your mobile number and Email ID
.n. You have to complete the Registration Process within 14 days failing which your Registration Details saved so far will be deleted.
o. Login using your Registration Number as username and auto generated password provided to you on your mobile and email. Change your password,when prompted on first login.
p. After successful password change, you need to login again using your Registration Number and changed password.
q. On successful login, information about the ‘Basic Details’ so far filled by you will be displayed. You may edit it, if required or proceed further by clicking on ‘Next’ button at the bottom to complete your one-time Registration.
r. S No-11: Provide information about your Category.
s. S No-12: Provide information about your Nationality
t. S No-13: Provide information about visible Identification Mark. You may be
required to show the above Identification Mark at various stages of examination.
u. S No-14: Provide information about benchmark disabilities, if any. If you are suffering from any specific benchmark disability identified suitable for government jobs, then provide Disability Certification Number.
v. S No: 15 to 18: Provide information about your Permanent and Present Address. Save the data and proceed further to the last Part of the Registration Process.
w. Save the information provided. Take draft printout and review the information filled in the Registration Form carefully, before ‘Final Submit’.
x. Read the ‘Declaration’ carefully, if you agree with the declaration, click ‘I Agree’.
y. Upon clicking ‘Final Submit’ different OTPs will be sent on your mobile number and Email ID. You need to enter one of the two OTPs at designated field to complete the Registration Process.
6. Though you can edit/ modify your One-time Registration data, you must be very cautious while filling up details in the One-time Registration. Wrong/ incorrect information may lead to cancellation of your candidature.
8. After submission of Basic information, if the registration process is not completed within 14 days, your data will be deleted from the system.

Part-II (Online Application Form)
1. Before proceeding with filling of online application, keep the following data ready:
a. Recent scanned colour passport size photograph (i.e. not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination) in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). Image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The photograph should be without cap, spectacles and frontal view of the face should be visible. Applications with blurred photograph
will be rejected. If the proper photograph is not uploaded by a candidate, his candidature will be cancelled. Specimen of photographs which are acceptable/ not acceptable is given at Annexure-V
b. Scanned signature in JPEG format (10 to 20 KB). Image dimension of the signature should be about 4.0 cm (width) x 2.0 cm (height). Applications with illegible signature will be rejected.
c. Details of qualifying educational qualification like passing year, roll number, percentage/ CGPA, name of Board, etc.
2. Login to online system through your ‘Registration Number’ and password.
3. Click ‘Apply’ link in ‘Scientific Assistant in India Meteorological Department Examination, 2022’ section under ‘Notice’ tab.
4. Information in columns at S No-1 to 14 will be filled automatically from your One-time Registration Data which is non-editable. However, if you want to modify any of One- time Registration details, click on ‘Modify Registration’ tab provided at the left-hand top corner of your dashboard and make suitable corrections before proceeding further.
5. S No-15: Give your preference of Examination Centers. You may choose examination Centers within the same Region. Choice for all the three Centers must be given in the order of preference.
6. S No-16.1: If you are serving in Armed Forces or are an ex-serviceman, fill up the required information. Wards of servicemen/ ex-servicemen are not treated as ex-servicemen and therefore they should select ‘No’.
7. S No-17.1: If you are person with benchmark disability in category of blindness, locomotor disability (Both Arms affected) and Cerebral Palsy (not eligible for the post).
8. S No-17.2: Indicate if you have physical limitation to write and scribe is required to write on your behalf. Please go through Para-6 of the Notice of Examination for more information.
9. S No-17.3 to 17.5: If you are eligible for availing the facility of scribe as per Para-6.1 of the Notice of examination, provide information about the requirement of scribe.
10. S No-18.1: If you are seeking age relaxation, select appropriate age-relaxation category.
11. S No-19.1 & 19.2: If you select “No”, you are not eligible for this post as per Para-7 of the notice of examination.
12. S No-20: Indicate your highest qualification.
13. S No-21: Select subject for part-II examination.
14. S No-22: Provide details of the qualifying educational qualification.
15. S No-23, 24 and 25: Information with regard to Present and Permanent Address will be filled up automatically from the One-time Registration Data.
16. Upload your recent Photograph (not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination) as specified at S. No-1a above. Applications with blurred photograph will be rejected. Specimen of Photographs acceptable/ not acceptable is given at Annexure-V. Candidates may refer to the same.
17. Upload your signature as specified at S.No-1b above. Applications with blurred signatures will be rejected.
18. S No-26: The photograph uploaded above should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination. Click ‘Yes’, if the photograph uploaded above is not more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination.
19. Go through the declaration carefully and click on “I agree” check box if you accept the same. Fill up Captcha code.
20. Preview and verify the information provided by you. If you want to modify any entry, click on ‘Edit/Modify’ button and make requisite corrections before proceeding further. When you are satisfied that the information is correctly filled, preview and verify the information and submit the Application. You will not be able to make any correction in the online application after submission of the application.
21. Proceed to make fee payment if you are not exempted from payment of fee.
22. Fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. Refer Para-9 of the Notice of Examination for further information on the payment of fee.
23. When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted ‘Provisionally’ and status of the application will be indicated as ‘Application Received (Contents Not Verified)’. Candidate should take printout of the application form for their own records. Printout of the ‘Application Form’ is normally not required to be submitted to the Commission at any stage. However, you may be required to provide printout of the online application form to address grievances related to online application

SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2023– FAQs
Q1. What are the apply online dates for SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2023?
Ans. The apply online dates for SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2022 are 30th September 2022 to 18th October 2022.
Q2. How many vacancies are released under SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2023 Notification?
Ans. A total of 990 vacancies are released for various posts under SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2022.
Q3. How can I apply for SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2023?
Ans. You can apply for the SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2022 from the direct link provided in the article.
Q4. What is the application fee for SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2023?
Ans. The application fee for SSC IMD Scientific Assistant Recruitment 2022 is Rs. 100/-.