HSC GSEB Purak Pariksha Result 2022 @gseb.org
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar press release states that Higher Secondary Certificate Examination Class-12 Science Stream Supplementary Examination Result held in July-2022 on website of Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board www.gseb.org dated 04/08 It will be announced at 08:00 AM on 22nd. Students can get their result by entering the seat number of the exam. Students’ Mark Sheet, Certificate, and S.R. Information about sending to school will be given later.After the result, the schools have to download the circular from the website of the board with the necessary instructions for mark-verification, office-verification, name-correction, rejection of marks-deficiency and re-appearance in the examination. School principals, parents, students and all concerned should take note of this.

HSC GSEB Purak Pariksha Result
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar (GSEB) HSC Purak Pariksha Result 2022 @gseb.org | 12th Result Link
Exam Name: GSEB HSC 12th Purak Exam 2022
GSEB SSC Result Link: Click Here (Result Declared)
HSC General Purak Pariksha Press Note: Click Here
GSEB Official Website: www.gseb.org