Category: સરકારી યોજનાઓ

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) Details & Download Form

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) is a government-backed savings scheme as part of the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana” for the benefit of the girl child. Parents can open up to two such accounts for girls (they cannot open a third/fourth account, etc. if they have more than two girls). These accounts have a tenure of […]

Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana Eligibility Criteria And Other Full Information

Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd. [MUDRA] is an NBFC supporting development of the micro-enterprise sector in the country. MUDRA provides refinance support to Banks / MFIs for lending to micro units having loan requirement up to 10 lakh. MUDRA provides refinance to micro-business under the Scheme of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana.  The other products are for development support to the sector. […]

Sankat Mochan Yojna – National Family Support Scheme

Kutumb Sahay (Familly Assistance) Scheme In Gujarat: The main breadwinner has to be a family member whose income constituted a major share of the family’s total earnings. The death of such a bread-earner should have occurred whilst she/he is above 18 years of age and below 60 years of age. The prime benefits of NFBS […]

Solar rooftop Yojana Gujarat State 2023

Solar rooftop Yojana Agency List Gujarat Residential Solar Rooftop Yojana 2018-19 will enable people to setup / install solar panels ranging 1 KW to 10 KW on their rooftops with 30% subsidy from central govt. and Rs. 10,000 from state govt., check list of vendors under solar power policy 2018 at Residential Solar Rooftop […]

Jyoti Gramodyog Vikas Scheme 2022, Application Form

Jyoti Gramodyog Vikas Yojana (Margin Money Yojana) to increase the level of income and entrepreneurship among the rural population and to create more and more new avenues of employment for the rural unemployed youth to individual artisans / entrepreneurs / self-help groups at the village level or 2000 or more than Rs.1 lakh in a […]

Farmer Smart Phone Scheme Gujarat

Farmer Smart Phone Scheme Declare by Government of Gujarat. Government of Gujarat will be Give Rs. 15000 for Smartphone to Gujarat’s Farmer. The scope of digital service in agriculture is increasing day by day. In the field of agriculture, following Douglas, farmers started using IT. Through the use of technology, new farms are increasing their income by […]